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4 Causes of Cloudy Pool Water and How to Fix It

Jul, 2023Pool

Ah, the mysteries of cloudy pool water – it’s like trying to solve a riddle wrapped in an enigma while wearing swim trunks. But fear not, brave pool owners! We’ve gathered our gear and donned our superhero capes to help you decipher the 4 common culprits behind this murky dilemma.

1. Poor Filtration – The Sneaky Saboteur

Watch out! The villain behind most cloudy pool water cases is none other than poor filtration. Imagine your pool filter as a crime-fighting hero, dedicated to capturing those minuscule nasties that cloud your water. But if it’s not in top form, those pesky particles slip through, and voilà – you’re swimming in a murky mess!


Our Solution: Time to take action! Regularly clean and maintain your pool’s circulation system. Keep an eye out for the following clues:

  • Clogged or dirty filter: Grab your detective gear and backwash your sand or D.E. filter, clean those D.E. filter grids, or give that cartridge filter a much-needed bath.
  • Skimmer and pump basket capers: Check for debris lurking in these baskets, those leaves and twigs are like pool party crashers!
  • Filter media makeover: If your filter media is past its prime, give it a fresh start every 5 years for sand or D.E. filters and every 2-3 years for cartridge filters.
  • Pump up the filtration time: Make sure your pool water gets a thorough filter workout by running the system for at least 8 to 12 hours a day. It’s like a gym session for your water!

2. Low Chlorine Levels – The Mischievous Menace

Oh no, the chlorine levels are taking a nosedive! The water is teeming with pathogens, bacteria, and potential chaos. When chlorine is on vacation, that’s when cloudy water and troublemakers like algae start throwing a pool party.


Our Solution: Fear not, pool protector! Arm yourself with test kits and chlorine know-how to beat this cloudy conspiracy.

  • Test for free chlorine: Find out how much chlorine is free to save the day! It should be between 1 and 3 ppm for chlorine and salt water pools.
  • The combined chlorine conundrum: Watch out for those pesky chloramines, they’re the difference between free chlorine and total chlorine readings. Keep them below 0.5 ppm for a peaceful pool.
  • Unleash the shockwave: For a quick rescue, shock your pool using calcium hypochlorite shock – that’ll boost the free chlorine levels and kick out those pesky chloramines.
  • Sun’s rays, beware: Protect your chlorine from the sun’s harmful UV rays with cyanuric acid. Keep those levels between 30 and 50 ppm, and your chlorine will remain a superhero!

3. Poor Water Chemistry – The pH and Alkalinity Gang

Oh dear, high pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels are causing chaos! They form scale, mess with your chlorine’s mojo, and create the perfect hideout for cloudy water.


Our Solution: Fear not, pH and alkalinity busters are here to save the day!

  • Balance the pH force: Keep your pH levels between 7.4 and 7.6. Too high, and you’ll have calcium buildup and scaling; too low, and your chlorine becomes a bit wild, leading to a contaminated pool party.
  • Total Alkalinity to the rescue: Maintain alkalinity levels between 100 to 150 ppm (125 ppm is ideal), and you’ll prevent wild pH fluctuations and keep your pool chemistry harmonious.
  • Calcium Hardness’s balancing act: For vinyl liner pools, aim for 175 to 225 ppm; for concrete and plaster pools, set it between 200 to 275 ppm.
  • Muriatic acid and pH decreasers: These trusty sidekicks will help you lower your alkalinity levels. For pH increasers, use alkalinity increasers or baking soda.
  • Watch that Calcium Hardness: High levels can be a cloudy pool nightmare! If it’s too high, you’ll need to dilute your pool water. It’s like adding a dash of fresh water to your pool potion!

4. Contaminants, Like Debris or Algae – The Uninvited Guests

Oh no, here come the party crashers – debris and early-stage algae! They’re turning your pool into their secret hideout, causing that murky mess.


Our Solution: Pool cleanliness and a splash of algae-busting powers will restore order!

  • Kick out the algae: Don’t let algae take over your pool paradise. Skim, brush, vacuum, and shock your pool to reclaim your crystal clear waters. Algaecide is better as a preventative measure, not a superhero cure.
  • Rainstorm aftermath: After a stormy visit, debris and rainwater dilute your pool chemistry. Test, balance, skim, brush, and vacuum your way back to a sparkling oasis.

The Grand Finale: Crystal Clear Waters Await!

Armed with this guide, you’re now a master of cloud-clearing techniques! Bid farewell to cloudy water and welcome back the sparkling pool oasis you deserve. Now, let’s dive into the pristine waters and bask in the glory of a job well done! Happy swimming, my fellow pool heroes!

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